I have the right to speak out my sexual fantasy Without any criticism!
For a long time
women as long as the open expression of their sexual thoughts
Regardless of sexual fantasies or sexual ideas
In some arrogant male paranoid twisted faith in the community
Or even the same status of women
Will think that such a speech or concept as lewd dirty
You can easily be described as a slut or a variety of unbearable words
Especially in modern times still regarded as women for their property
Without the right to speak of the customs of the country
our society has been in this direction towards many babies steps.
But in fact, the true meaning of energy for sexual
The world still has a lot of programming and misunderstanding
Women in mature independent of the age
In the idea of purely without any negative side
Have the right to speak out their sexual views
And should not be criticized.
Everyone has the right to speak their own sexual energy flow
And re-know it right again
The transmission of sexual energy is the natural energy rhythm of the universe
Its true essence is pure love and harmony
Its presentation is not form modern
those with negative male consciousness stretched out distorted deformation of the pornographic plot
Nor is it a result of the negative images of all kinds of malicious teasing by women
These with sexual energy has nothing to do,
These are the dark forces under the manipulation of people cut off the horror of sexual products.
In the new post of Cobra, the mysteries of Isis
Mentioned that we can nurturing of our sexual energy
This encourages many people to re-examine their own inner and sexual energy criticism.
In this universe, the integration of male and female energy allows duality to unity
This fusion process is called the Galactic Tantra
Sometimes the expression of sexual energy by a gentle hug and touch is enough.
In my point of view,
Accompany with someone you love to enjoy a good combination of sexual is a very sweet thing.
Two falling love existence of the soul, they’d only awareness of mutual love and sympathy and support each other.
This pure energy is also a very important part of sexual.
In this process you should fully enjoy and experience each other's presence.
Sensing his / her breathing, heart beating, the cell, dedicated to giving and receiving each other's total love.
Each time feeling his / her caress, please fully embody and release all your love.
Do not be afraid to drop it down all the worries or even guilt and criticize
Just simply open your heart to accept and take care your own bodies to cherish any defects you think,
But also cherish all the people you love, despite the enjoyment and open-minded love in each other
Remember the energy of each other as you blend in your energy of love
Remember each other from the light and love,
This is truly meaning of sexual energy.
Here I share Cobra recommended blog posts
We can redefine this article in the re-look at this wonderful energy
這股愛的能量 自然地流過一切萬物
這些美麗的流程 來自於源頭
所有一切 都像源源不絕的豐富樣貌生命
這股愛的能量流動 來到我們面前後
透過我們 會以全然神聖 純潔的方式
性與愛的分離 是黑暗勢力的手段
這樣的生命模式 就如同變成被馴化的綿羊
命運交給第三方 靜待宰割
神聖的性愛 第一個關鍵是
並且允許它根據自己的本質 自然的流動
如果讓這能量 不允許它在內自然流串 它將不會消失
但這份壓抑後的能量 會像在壓力鍋中的食材一般
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