
The gemstone of goddess legacy

  The gemstone of goddess legacy My sweet sister, you're the gemstone of the goddess legacy, i miss you frequently, you're always in my mind, you're always present with our gathering and our goddess ritual, i trust in your guidance and your kindness wisdom sharing. I'd never forgotten when we first met, i remember your soul essence from your eyes, i was recognized we're been sisters as you said we're a sister in the Paris of the past life, like a thousand and thousand years of forever...  It's your brave and courage to inspire my soul to a full rate of awakening my true identity, we're the daughters of the goddesses, we're the chalice of the hope for humanity.  I'd never forget you want me to have the blue necklace that you wearing, this item was a gracious object to triggering and initiated my journey of priestess path to the goddess mysteries. I can still taste every moment we share, despite it's not that many, but it is every flow...

I've had learned nothing from quarantine

  The most worst of viruses is fear! The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing and chose to sleep to dead! Most of the people are asleep and didn't realize to being benevolent humankind with sovereign inside power of soul what’s looks like, if you don’t switch the perspective of the narrow vision, if you’re not open your eyes and heart, you’re dying! you'll be a slave to obey fear itself that from dark and you know it is true in the heart. Thing is, what is the choice for you? Why do you believe everything is impossible? Your impossible is the killer of everything possible, why chosen to be fucking stupid ineptitude being instead of the reason sense to being fun or being more creative, gracious? Why don't you being a great alchemistor to create a new world to say NO to those pillocks regulation. you’re not helping to fight the virus, you’re helping generate more potential sickness of human essential and detached to the soul. ...


                                                     在一座佇立在山丘上的古愛爾蘭神廟中,我望向前方和航行在那片波動漣漪的綠色海洋上,穿過層層迷霧 ... 我看見了古老遺忘的魔法蹤跡,那內在徘徊塵世的流浪者迴盪地訴說著 ... 安靜下來,連結你自己,相信自己。 我踏進一座古老愛爾蘭獨有和崇拜著最古老權威的統治女神 - 卡莉亞赫神廟裡。女神卡莉亞赫象徵著偉大母親之靈,她的子宮裡孕育著我們。她也是我們的神聖的大地之母,出生與回歸的象徵。她是生命的起源與墓穴、兩極的悖論,她遍佈於世界、她是創造循環,衰老與重生的女性力量。在這座神廟裡到處可見原始的女性智慧;女性主權的力量和古老的傳承的啟蒙。 我在巨石圈中央敲打著鼓,我看見久違女祭司們跳著舞的影子。 女神卡莉亞赫呼喚著我,在我的靈魂深處低語傾訴著 ...“ 我親愛的女兒,將薔薇聖女的玫瑰們聚集一起! ” 我看見全世界的巨石陣紛紛現身,所有的古老巨石升起,點亮起美麗的內在,她們全變成了女神!女神們散發著夜空閃耀流動的星光,來自宇宙的火焰在她們心中燃點著。 什麼是女祭司? 女祭司是一位在地球上,內在映畫著遼闊無邊宇宙記憶的女性。她們是深化轉變的指引明燈,女祭司的角色代表著現在當下的時空和超越時間永恆的連結。 自由主權的女神教導著死亡與重生的課程,她告訴我們不要害怕轉變,女神力量是關於克服死亡的恐懼,她教我們視自己為體驗人類經驗的一股神聖能量。 這就是為何主權的女神是最重要關鍵的療癒良藥,因為我們正經歷著死亡與重生、意識轉變進化的過程。 女祭司們貢獻於群體生活,她們錨定內在女性真諦之火,她們是女神夏克蒂的能量傳導,她們也是流動女性力量的代表。就像生動而深切的祈禱,女祭司們活出儀式的真實之光,她們精通與知曉女性能量的原則是創造力,更是滋養與培育著生命之網的力量。我們的祖先都知道子宮的神性和女性的創造力量,他們知道女性的身體與原始的大自然智慧緊密連結,更是一座宇宙的神殿。 德菲爾神諭的存...


Dear ones,  I call upon you to join us with this vital mass meditation There is no time to waste and let us unite our free will to hold the light to lead people to step into  The Age of Aquarius.  We need you here with us on December 21st at the Winter solstice. Find out more details please visit   

The Final Battle

We have been through a lot, from thousands and thousands of years, all of the star seeds are still holding the light with share the only ONE goal!   And We are going to win at last!!  All of the unnecessary sufferings is going to be the END,  All of the TRUTH is going to reveling to your eyes! It's our moment to get rid of slavery in this world! It is the time we approach the final liberation state. My dear friends, it's the time of awakening and embraces the genuine Love, Light, Peace, Balance Age of Aquarius!  Believing!     

Be with us

Beautiful solar eclipse chronosequences yesterday by IGAG Eric and Angela’s taken and edited. It's really wonderful to experience participant annual solar eclipse event with over hundreds of Taiwan lightworkers or you might refer they're Taiwan roses. Many of us witnessed this moment and astonishing with the divine phenomenon of astronomical at the same moment, it must be triggering the energy of alignment towards more people worldwide. In the meantime to witnessed the ring of the fire took place moment on the sky, i feel myself are so small, i stand under the enormous of powerful great creator's presence, i feel like myself would like to try to do something, something noble, and honor my presence earthly life, i wish to encourage a least one person inspiration to stand with us. Although we’re the few members of the people who devoted to their noble destiny with purpose on earth and putting actual acts to perform planetary liberation, we’re the people who can really sh...

Into the new age

Into the new age Join us! Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation April 4th and April 5th My dear friends, you must notice and aware that time of period has been so difficult and really intense, everything is happening so fast and overwhelming to many souls in the world, our world has been in a new cycle of her revolution, The Age of Aquarius is coming and toward us! that's the reason why many darknesses have to be showing on the surface because the light comes in, therefore, we have a new opportunity to emerge for our sight, we could gather our strength and the collective consciousness of human being to actively shift this negative agenda transmuting into a positive of divine paradigm, the new age, the new world, a world without deceiving, manipulating, suffering and end and terminate old game from the dark force! "The Star Are Aligned" this perfect time t...