
Showing posts from March, 2018

Ascension Conference 2018

Welcome to May 12th 13th Taipei Ascension Conference 2018 “ So the key is to think about it in a multidimensional way... there is no one linear step by step path to the Event. There are many different timelines shifting in probability and alternate ways it can happen. By disclosing these projects they are co-created in the field created by the RM and all of us. This timeline stabilization then raises the overall vibration and quantum field which then supports all positive timelines. Including the one where the Event happens. “ What to expect now? I can promise you blood, sweat and tears:,_toil,_tears,_and_sweat And then, I can promise you Victory of the Light. When? Nobody knows. The Event will NOT happen until the vast majority of plasma toplet bombs are removed.  Until then, you are very welcome to join us in Budapest, Hungary on April 14 th  and 15 th  on the first Ascensio...

Goddess meditation - English guided audio by IGAG

Goddess meditation - English guided audio by IGAG Cobra mentioned in the blog post on February 18th that for the planetary liberation it is very important that as many people as possible do the two Goddess meditations as often as possible, which are the Goddess Vortex meditation and Return of the Goddess meditation.   To support this initiative, we are going to organize a new daily mass meditation for a combination of these two meditations at 2:30 PM UTC every day, as well as after Weekly Ascension Meditation on Sunday at 4:30 PM UTC.  However, please feel free to do these meditations as many times as possible, as suggested by Cobra.


永恆之火聖女團  English version: 這是屬於女祭司們的姊妹情誼呼喚 藉由這特定模式回到阿斯塔泰拉女神身邊 在我開始進一步討論更多細節之前,我必須先做說明和解釋,避免過多的誤解或曲解我的原意。在遠古的亞特蘭提斯時期,一位名為阿斯塔泰拉的皇后,她有完整的女神能量連結,和理解女祭司的神秘傳承文化,在古老的描述中,她們也有這些你所認知的名字,如:伊斯塔、艾拉娜、哈索爾、愛希斯、內斯、阿斯塔特、艾希菈、維納斯、阿芙蘿迪、雅典娜 派菈斯、艾頓、西格蘭。還有我們的姐妹; 抹大拉的瑪莉亞… 而有關於永恆的純潔處子,真正的意思是指; 靈魂一但決定進入於永恆神聖女性能量道途,尤其選擇投生到行星地球,和開始致力和奉獻為女神能量所服務的,她們的名字就是”永恆之火聖女團”。他們在 ”秘密家園” 裡許下過恆古的誓言,也就是我們所知道的”愛之神殿”。她們遵循這個誓言,與神之后的女性能量連結在一起,並從此成為阿斯塔泰拉的永恆之火聖女團,她們會完全履行在地球上的任務,和永遠守護女性的神聖智慧。 阿斯塔泰拉 – 白百合和亞特蘭提斯皇后 為了這項古老的艱難任務,這些姐妹在他們的生活經驗裡,不斷地經歷被舊的知識所滲透干擾, 這讓她們的身體總是有能力為了保護自己,而平衡強大的電磁力場,而這種經常發生的干擾,讓一些身為新血的姐妹們,因為缺乏經驗,導致無法與她們真正的高等心智層面去校準對齊,靈魂會因為俗世環境的各項干擾而有所影響,雖然她能夠感知她的高等心智能量,但在她的小我心智面向,卻會困難地調整這些異常振頻。因為無法進入到她自己的潛意識狀態,所以她會變得非常焦慮,她也會不知道她到底發生了什麼事。在一些特定場合,她可以感知一些強大的頻率振動,驅使她會突然立即抽身離開該區域。 基於她的真實自我、及她的靈性層面、靈魂和能量身體,和仍在這條道途上忠誠的犧牲奉獻,因為古老誓言的連結,讓她能夠有效的對應於在未來,和再轉世後的各樣經驗。 假使她未能覺察到她的內在振動是個呼喚訊號 ;...